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Name event
Conscious Eating & Healthy Living with Richard Moss & Annalisa Mather

Monday 26 January
Starts at : 6:00 PM

Location Københavns Gestalt Institut
Nørre Voldgade 21
København K,


Conscious Eating & Healthy Living with Richard Moss & Annalisa Mather

“There can be no real satisfaction or happiness for humanity until we live obedient to the interconnectedness of all things.” – Richard Moss

Consumers are exposed regularly to conflicting information what kind of nutrition that is most conducive to our health and well-being. Also, there may be many confusing and even misleading information about the value of various supplements. Moreover, we know that it is also important for the environment and climate, the food we choose to consume.

This evening workshop will be presented with the most recent and well-documented research on the topic, which shows that with the right nutrition – whole food plant based diet – we are able to reduce the risk of cancer significantly, and also prevent and reduce heart disease, diabetes and many other diseases of civilization. Richard Moss, who is a physician, will present research in the field, and his partner Annalisa Mather gives you good tips and practical suggestions on how to create healthy and tasty meals and snacks and thereby increase your own and your family’s well-being and energy level. Richard and Annalisa will also touch on the connection between a spiritual approach to life and the food that you choose to consume.


DATE: Monday, January 26, 2015

TIME: 18:00 – about 21:30

PLACE: Copenhagen Gestalt Institute, Nørrevoldgade 21, 5th floor (just off Noerreport Station), Copenhagen K.

PRICE:  Reduced price for payment before 30 December 2014: 420 kr.  Then the price is 530 kr.


Quantum Seminars
Svend Trier
Tel: +45 (0)3929 0336

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Name event
Une nourriture consciente et une vie saine avec Richard Moss et Annalisa Mather

Monday 26 January
Starts at : 6:00 PM

Location Københavns Gestalt Institut
Nørre Voldgade 21
København K,


annalisa og richard

“There can be no real satisfaction or happiness for humanity until we live obedient to the interconnectedness of all things”. 
– Richard Moss

At leve med bevidsthed og omsorg

Workshop om bevidst ernæring og sund livsstil med Dr. Richard Moss og Annalisa Mather den 26.01. i Kbh.
Som forbrugere udsættes vi jævnligt for modstridende oplysninger, hvilken form for ernæring, der er mest befordrende for vores sundhed og velbefindende. Ligeledes kan der være mange forvirrende og endda misledende informationer omkring værdien af forskellige kosttilskud. Desuden ved vi, at det også har betydning for miljø og klima, hvilken føde, vi vælger at indtage.
På denne eftermiddagsworkshop vil du blive præsenteret for den seneste og mest velunderbyggede forskning på området, som bl.a. viser, at vi med den rette ernæring (”whole food plant based diet”) er i stand til at mindske risikoen for kræft i væsentlig grad, og desuden forebygge og reducere hjertesygdom, diabetes og mange andre livsstilssygdomme. Richard Moss, der er uddannet læge, vil præsentere forskningen på området, og hans partner Annalisa Mather giver dig gode tips og praktiske forslag til, hvordan du kan tilberede sunde og velsmagende måltider og snacks og derigennem øge dit eget og din families velbefindende og energiniveau.
Richard vil desuden komme ind på forbindelsen mellem en spirituel livsindstilling og den føde, man vælger at indtage.

Tid, sted og pris: Mandag den 26. januar kl. 18.00 – ca. 21.30 i Københavns Gestalt Institut, Nørre Voldgade 21, 5. sal (lige ved Nørreport Station), København K.

Pris: 420 kr. ved tilmelding/betaling senest den 30.12.2014. Herefter er prisen 530 kr.


Living with awareness and care

Workshop on conscious eating and healthy living with Dr. Richard Moss and Annalisa Mather on 26.01. in Copenhagen.

Consumers are exposed regularly to conflicting information what kind of nutrition that is most conducive to our health and well-being. Also, there may be many confusing and even misleading information about the value of various supplements. Moreover, we know that it is also important for the environment and climate, the food we choose to consume.
This afternoon workshop will be presented with the most recent and well-documented research on the topic, which shows that with the right nutrition (“whole food plant based diet”) is able to reduce the risk of cancer significantly, and also prevent and reduce heart disease, diabetes and many other diseases of civilization. Richard Moss, who is a trained physician, will present research in the field, and his partner Anna Lisa Mather gives you good tips and practical suggestions on how to cook healthy and tasty meals and snacks and thereby increase your own and your family’s well-being and energy level.

Richard will also touch on the connection between a spiritual approach to life and the food that you choose to consume.

Time, place: Monday, January 26 pm. 18:00 – about 21.30 in Copenhagen Gestalt Institute, Nørrevoldgade 21, 5th floor (just off Noerreport Station), Copenhagen K.

Price: 420 kr. At registration / payment no later than 30/12/2014. Then the price is 530 kr.


Quantum Seminars
v/Svend Trier
Bolandsvej 10
DK-2100 Copenhagen
Tel: +45 (0)3929 0336