P-e-l-i-c-a-n. A word. A name.

P-e-l-i-c-a-n. A word. A name.

Excerpt from The Second Miracle. There is an old childhood rhyme that goes, “Sticks and stones can break your bones, but names can never hurt you.” The implication is that words, if we refuse to let them bother us, can do no harm. But the real danger of words is...
Why Dreamwork?

Why Dreamwork?

Brief Overview of Dreamworld ENGAGING WITH YOUR DREAMS as a conscious practice is a complex art and skill. I would argue that it is essential if you want to live a creative and fulfilling life.  DREAMS ARE PACKED WITH INFORAMATION that is organized in a very different...
Resistance versus Reaction

Resistance versus Reaction

A Poetic Reflection on Resistance versus Reaction in Life Mastery Resistance is essential. The experienced surfer resists the wave’s power and speed Carves a brief route into raucous ecstasy. The skilful skier resists gravity’s wild pull, the destabilizing bumps, The...